TGSA Financial
Support Bursary

The purpose of the TGSA Financial Support Bursary is to provide additional financial support for Full Members who are experiencing an unexpected and harmful financial burden that is not covered by the Health and Dental Benefits Plan, pre-existing governmental support, or support from the University. The TGSA Financial Support Bursary is meant to supplement already existing emergency programs and not to replace them. To receive emergency financial support through the TGSA Financial Support Bursary individuals must:

  1. Be a full-time or part-time graduate student at Trent University;
  2. Have investigated all other resources including OSAP, bursaries, awards and alternative funding sources;
  3. Have an immediate and unexpected expenses leading to financial hardship, with valid reasons, that they are unable to cover themselves;
  4. Have eliminated unnecessary expenses from their spending plan;
  5. Are a student with domestic or international status currently living in Canada.

TGSA Financial Support Bursary applications shall be received and reviewed by the Vice President of Internal Affairs (Treasurer) and SGS. Full Members shall use the TGSA Academic Development Bursary

Application Form found on MyTrent to apply for funding.